Tracker Modeling in Bouncing Ball
Thanks to Lim Jit Ning for sharing his video

Tracker Modeling in Bouncing Ball
Author of  video: Lim Jit Ning

* GB Droplookang.trk (55.06 KB)  Author of model: lookang
* GB Drop.trk (48.04 KB ) Author of analysis: Lim Jit Ning
* Worksheet-bouncing-ball.doc (2222.5 KB ) Author of  worksheet: Lim Jit Ning

Doing more research by evidence based kinematic model construction process to substantiate this article.
  1. Wee L.K., Charles Chew, Goh G.H.,Lee T.L.,Samuel Tan (2012) Using Tracker as a Pedagogical Tool for Understanding Projectile Motion  Physics Education, 47(4): 448.   arXiv:1206.6489 [pdf]

Tracker Modeling in  in Bouncing Ball  Model is y = if (t < 0.475, -4.772*t^2-0.8*t-0.032, if(t<1.38,-4.899*t^2+9.112*t-4.693,if(t<2.18,-4.742*t^2+16.875*t-15.742,if(t<2.84,-4.616*t^2+23.123*t-29.89,0))))

Tracker Modeling in  in Bouncing Ball  Model is y = if (t < 0.475, -4.772*t^2-0.8*t-0.032, if(t<1.38,-4.899*t^2+9.112*t-4.693,if(t<2.18,-4.742*t^2+16.875*t-15.742,if(t<2.84,-4.616*t^2+23.123*t-29.89,0)))) with Data Analysis to drive the evidence based kinematic model construction process.

with this computer kinematic model, several variables can be determined

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