Modelling Skydiving with Parachute Opening_parameterized

Tracker Experiment

Modelling Skydiving with Parachute Opening_parameterized

Notes for teachers and learners who would like to use this TRZ file.

A. The fy is parameterize for the ease of modelling.
m = mass of human body
A_h = surface area of human body
A_p = surface area of parachute
g at 2000 m height
d = density of air
Cd = drag coefficient of human body
Cd2 = drag coefficient of parachute
g2 = g near surface of Earth
T – time for parachute opening

Model A(Red): Parachute opens slowly over T seconds

Fy function:

Model B(Blue): Parachute opens fully immediately

Fy function:


Model B, where the parachutes opens immediately, shows a steeper deceleration due to large upward air resistance, compared to Model A, the parachutes opens in 3 seconds.

Model B has a deceleration of 17g, while Model A’s deceleration is 3.1g.

I think it is a bad idea to open the parachute immediate while the parachutist is falling at 40 m/s. In real life, according to a Discovery Education Channel video (, the parachute takes about 2-3 seconds to open fully.

Ideas for teaching and demonstration:
Adjusting the parameters and compare the velocity-time graph and acceleration-time graph.

Related Singapore O Level Physics question: 5058/2010/P1 Q3.

Author: Tan Kim Kia

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