Category: Chapter 4: How was life different for the various people in colonial Singapore before World War Two?
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Source 12: A report written by William Pickering, a British appointed as the Protector of Chinese, presented before the British Government i in February 1877.

These Chinese immigrants had been persuaded to leave their homes by promises that they will be brought to Singapore, the only destination promised. They were told they would receive very good wages and they would even save enough money to send to their friends or return home with. However, when they arrived, they did not receive the wages promised and had to be sent to work in tin mines of another country. So, they refused to board the boats. On this, they were threatened and punished by their agents. We, a government based on the principles of justice and freedom, have allowed a great deal of this evil to be committed, due to our lack of interference on this issue.


Source Origin: Michael Wise, ‘Report by Mr. Pickering on Kidnapping Sinkehs*’ in Traveller’s Tales of Old Singapore.

Use Record: Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Secondary, 2015.