Magnetic Bar Field Simulation
This simulation shows a bar magnet with a uniform field inside the magnet
pointing from the south (blue) side to the north (red) side. Outside, the field
is approximated by summing multiple dipoles. You can:
- Drag the magnet by clicking its body.
- Drag the compass by clicking anywhere on the circular compass.
- Check “Intensity” to adjust arrow brightness.
- Press “Hide Field” to hide field arrows and labels on the magnet (N → ?).
- Use “Reset” to return to the initial state.
Teaching/Learning Tips:
- Inside the magnet, the field is shown as a constant vector from S to N,
illustrating its internal magnetization.
- The compass aligns with the local field, so students can explore field
directions in different regions.
- Encourage learners to predict field strengths/orientations, then test
by dragging the compass.