


1. Mr Wee Loo Kang
2. Mr Lee Ming Yew
3. Leong Tze Kwang
4. Dave Lommen



Creating ICT Learning Experiences for DynamicsICT Resources for Teaching Dynamics 


Upper Secondary



Date and Time

20 Feb
1430 - 1730 hours


Create learning experiences with Open Source Physics ICT Resources in Dynamics for preparing future ready and responsible digital learners


The series of workshops will introduce the following to the audience:
1. Quality learning in the hands of every learner empowered with use of Tracker, a video analysis and modeling tool and Open Source Physics simulations using the digital library of ICT resources customized by MOE.
2. Responsible use of digital resources.

know more about KINEMATICS URL:

Content Outline

1. Introduction to Tracker, a video analysis and modeling tool
2. Carrying out investigation
3. Using data
4. Using mathematical thinking
5. Constructing explanation
6. Argue from evidence
7. Communicate information

8. Introduction to Open Source Physics simulations for learning experiences.
1. Introduction to Modelling pedagogy
2. Model-based scientific inquiry
3. Model-based explanation and argumentation
4. Hands on with the Physics simulations

Content Outline

10 min (V & V) Community Building

To create a group of teachers interested in sharing meaningful ICT Learning Experiences for Teaching.
Create a Whatsapp to take a group picture and group name adding us

  1. Lawrence 92475573
  2. Tze Kwang 82005810

Self intro in Whatsapp group with name and school, email.

Software to be installed ahead SSOE & Tracker 4.95

thanks to my colleagues at eduLab@AST , any Singapore schools in the standard school operating environment (SSOE), can request through the HOD ICT of their school for Tracker to be installed by pushing down centrally through the white-listed software.
updated 13 Nov 2014. do a CONTROL-FIND (F) and look for "open source"
School-purchased software and applications that have been verified/ tested compatible with SSOE desktop environment

do a CONTROL-FIND (F) and look for "open source"
School-purchased software and applications that have been verified/ tested compatible with SSOE desktop environment

School-purchased software and applications that have been verified/ tested compatible with SSOE desktop environment.

60 min (LK & MY & TK) Summary Introduction to Tracker, a video analysis and modeling tool 

  1. Summarise what was done in previous session, sharing by repeat participants, (Kinematics) 
  2. The relationship between kinematics and dynamics is .......kinematics is how did the motion change and dynamics is why the motion change
  3. Ask Question, example, what cause the object to move such as the physics of a falling object? We go to digital library to search for the TRZ files.
    1. Open Tracker and go to Collections | Shared Library | Singapore Tracker Digital Library | 00_workshop | Leongster2017 |  1freefallbottletobemodel.trz
    2. Open Tracker and go to Collections | Shared Library | Singapore Tracker Digital Library | 00_workshop | Leongster2017 | 2hardpushtbemodel.trz

30 min Break question: 

  1. talk to at least 2 person who you do not already know.
  2. talk about the possible use of video modeling in your context, topic you teaching and we will give 20 minutes for teacher sharing.
  3. a whatsapp group is created for professional discussion

30 min Performance task: 

in group of 2, go to Digital library and find a video that you will want to use immediately for your classes, build a dynamics model to find out forces in the video using the data collected

    1. Projectile Doug Brown 
    2. incline plane Search for tossout
    3. not covered during workshop Atwood Machine TK

      • I’m trying to teach the importance of relating to physical measurements in modelling. As far as possible, we should try to make our model relate to real world measured data. The mass of the slotted mass are 0.82 g and 0.65 g respectively.
      • Open Tracker and go to Collections | Shared Library | Singapore Tracker Digital Library | 02_newtonianmechanics_3dynamics | trz | atwoodmachine.trz
      • After double clicking or otherwise, download the atwoodmachine.trz, Tracker will open the file

    4. Atwood Machine 3 TK
    5. Rolling down a slope 
      1. Q: Can you model the forces acting on the cart? The cart is about 0.2 kg. What is the friction of the slope? 
  1. Use Model, example, how is position, speed, acceleration, related to time? y, vy, ay, t
  2. Carrying out investigation 
    • OPTION BEST: Use personal handphone, record and send by email to yourself, login to email and download file into the laptop and use Tracker to open it
  3.  to record motion of a falling object and using Tracker import the video file and to track collect data.
  4. Analyse data, in Tracker analyse the data such as gradient, average, etc that can help you to answer Practice 1 
  5. Using mathematical thinking, using the same data collection, suggest a kinematics model example ????? y = y0 + uy*t+0.5*ay*t^2 
  6. Constructing explanation, discuss with group mates and word the findings. 
  7. Argue from evidence, if you disagree with the views of the group mates, using the data
  8. Communicate information, present the group findings

20 min (Dave) Extension Activity 2 only, Related Simulation Learning Experience 

  1. Suggested Atwood
  2. Suggested projectile.

20 min (Ezzy Chan) Community Sharing

invite Ezzy Chan to come share the challenges of using ICT and how them overcome them

5 min (Survey)

5 mins  Remaining time use for community building

to discuss how to collaborate on a dynamics lesson of their choice.
a whatsapp group is created for professional discussion

8. Introduction to Open Source Physics simulations for learning experiences.


This series of four 'ICT Resources for Teaching' workshops aim to promote responsible and quality learning in the hands of every learner empowered with use of 1. Tracker, a video analysis and modeling tool and 2. Open Source Physics simulations, all part of the open educational resources customized by MOE. At the end of the workshops, teachers will know how to assess, afford and adapt these wide variety of online resources available, licensed Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) lesson materials for implementation in their own classes for the topics Kinematics, Dynamics, and Energy.



I have learnt something new.The learning objectives were achieved.The Instructional resources provided are useful.The presentation was clear.The session met my learning needs.I would recommend the session to others.The questions raised during the session were addressed adequately.The facilitation of the session was effective for my learning.

What do you like best about the session?

  1. How to use it to teach ideas that are hard to visualise
  2. Tracker program
  3. good
  4. Sharing by the facilitators
  5. Good modeling software
  6. The dynamics section 
  7. Shared resources, friendly and helpful facilitators
  8. Guides examples
  9. Sharing by others
  10. Figuring out how to use the Tracker software to model physical motion. 
  11. Hands-on
  12. Resource 
  13. Trying out and discussing with a partner about a lesson
  14. Sharing by other teachers
  15. Data makes learning visible
  16. The sharing and the use of tracker 
  17. Practicality and ready resource
  18. Animatedgif
  19. sharing on how tracker was used for Hill grove sec physics
  20. Opened a new way to engage students and make them think.
  21. Applicable to us in our current lesson
  22. Many resources
  23. Hands-on experience

What are the areas of improvement for the session?

  1. -
  2. Nil
  3. to tailor it to the needs of secondary school students
  4. Nil
  5. Can be slower
  6. The software learning curve
  7. Hard to follow at times. Perhaps some notes to refer to?
  8. How about having it as a full day course? 
  9. Nil
  10. Notes could be provided on how to use the various features of Tracker, so that people lagging behind can catch up at their own pace. 
  11. Too fast paced. Should have step-by-step notes to guide us when exploring the functions
  12. Slower pace and more time for exploration. 
  13. Nil
  14. Printed steps to get started
  15. Makes software more user friendly
  16. Could have accompanied Google doc or worksheet to demo how the actual lesson is carried out
  17. -
  18. Need to match speed
  19. nil
  20. Need more time to fully grasp the program. 
  21. Not aware that it is a series where prior knowledge to the functions will be useful during the wkshop
  22. Clearer details and more step by step
  23. Consider classification of groups into novice, intermediate and advanced to provide scaffolding

Other comments about the session

  1. -

  2. It's useful

  3. Nil

  4. Understanding the needs on the ground

  5. Nil

  6. -

  7. Nil

  8. fast and technical