The Academy Symposium 10th November 2011 Science Centre

The Academy Symposium 
10th November 2011 to be hosted by the Academy of Singapore Teachers, 
2 Malan Rd S(109433) 
Science Centre Singapore
15 Science Centre Road
Singapore 609081

Submission of Synopsis for Concurrent Sessions
Objectives of the Concurrent Session:
This session will comprise two parts: sharing on effective teaching practices or a school-based action research followed by co-generative dialogue with the participants for further professional learning. Please note that presenters need to facilitate the dialogue.The deadline for submission is 25th July 2011, MonTitle for my sharing:
Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning draft PPT
 The simulations (NTNU Java virtual Lab) and curriculum materials (ICT connection lesson) can be found. 
Our session has taken the liberty to film(video) ourselves to encourage the proliferation of our Open Source Physics network, lead by myself (Wee Loo Kang), Lee Tat Leong and Goh Giam Hwee.
May you find our presentation insightful and with best intentions.
Shout out thanks to Dr Charles and Boon Chien for the masterful facilitation J
Our session can be viewed here
Our own ground-up edited videos are up and in 4 parts
Our works are licensed under creative commons attribution

All 4 parts in one video thanks to YouTube for giving me longer than 15 minutes!  
Video is up. part 1/4
part 2/4
part 3/4
part 4/4

The Write-Up.
The third Masterplan for ICT (MOE, 2009b) technology design for learning initiative using free tools from the Open Source Physics (Christian, 2010) seeks to illustrate meaningful integration of ICT in physics education through student centred activities, for promoting self-directed learning (Tan, Shanti, Tan, & Cheah, 2011) supported by effective processes for social collaborative learning (Chai, Lim, So, & Cheah, 2011).
The Open Source Physics community used Easy Java Simulation (Esquembre, 2004) has created hundreds of simulations that could be finer customized (Wee & Mak, 2009) to the Singapore syllabus for more targeted productive activities. 
We will share the collision cart simulation with RVHS (Lee, Wee, Cheng, & Wong, 2010) and 5 gravitational simulations with Yishun JC. These simulations we argue are appropriate laboratory environments that can provide the experience and context essential for deepening student’s conceptual understanding of Physics through student centred guided inquiry (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006) approach supported by social collaborative discourse. Theory:
Cognitive Load Theory & Social ConstructivismImplications:
Student-centred active learning through customized simulations with guided inquiry and social discourse can enhance learning of physics concepts.Future Direction:
Subject chapter physics teachers lead simulation based curriculum, advancing the professionalism of educators (MOE, 2009a). Reference: 

Update: 29/09/2011
found my own abstract here. seems edited by AST

1.10 Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning
Secondary Physics 
Mr Wee Loo Kang (Educational Technology Division)
Mr Lee Tat Leong (River Valley High)
Mr Goh Giam Hwee (Yishun JC)
In light of the third Masterplan for ICT (MOE, 2009), technology design for promoting self-directed learning (Tan, Shanti, Tan, & Cheah, 2011), in students, the use of free tools from the Open Source Physics (Christian, 2010) should be harnessed. The Open Source Physics community which uses Easy Java Simulation (Esquembre, 2004) has created hundreds of simulations that can be customized (Wee & Mak, 2009) to the Singapore syllabus for productive learning experiences. The integration of these ICT tools in Physics education through student-centred activities and supported by effective processes of collaborative learning (Chai, Lim, So, & Cheah, 2011) is a meaningful step forward for engaged learning.
In this session, the team will share the collision cart simulation designed by RVHS (Lee, Wee, Cheng, & Wong, 2010) and 5 gravitational simulations. It is the team’s belief that these customised simulations supported by social collaborative discourses, will provide learning experiences to deepen student’s conceptual understanding of Physics through student-centred guided inquiry (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006) approach.

Concurrent Session /
Title of presentation
Level /Subject

Movie Lab
(Level 1)
Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning
Mr Wee Loo Kang
Educational Technology Division
Mr Lee Tat Leong
River Valley High School
Mr Goh Giam Hwee
Yishun Junior College
Charles Chew
Yap Boon Chien
Secondary Physics
Date: 10 November 2011
Time: 1100-1200
Venue: Science Centre, Movie Studio Level 1
Dear 1st presentersTo add value to the learning experience of both the presenters as well as the participants so that it is a meaningful and fruitful session for all, we have arranged for the following:
Briefing @ AST
Please attend the briefing by MTTs, details of which are as follows:
Date: 6 October (Thursday) or 11 October (Tuesday). Please indicate your preferred slot in the form attached.
Time: 3pm
Venue: Academy of Singapore Teachers
TR 16 & 17Dry Run @ Science Centre Singapore
We have arranged for presenters to familiarise with the presentation venues and set up.
Details are as follows:
Date: 8 November (Tuesday)
Time: 2.15pm or 3.15pm or 4.15pm. Please indicate your preferred slot in the form attached.
Venue: Visitors' Centre @Science Centre SingaporePlease report to the visitors' centre at the time you have indicated. An Academy officer will lead you to your presentation venue.Kindly complete the attached form and return it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 27 September 2011.If you have any further queries, you may contact Irene Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (66641333) or Mdm Lynn Koh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (66641384)Update 2: 27/09/2011

Dear Teachers,The Academy of Singapore Teachers is pleased to invite you to register for the inaugural Academy Symposium Celebrating Learning, Transforming Practice.The Symposium aims to bring teachers together to celebrate their continual engagement in professional networked learning. It is also an affirmation of teachers taking ownership for and leadership of their professional growth with the aim of transforming their practice. The objectives of the Symposium are to: 
a) provide a platform for the fraternity to celebrate the collaborative efforts in professional networked learning; and
b) nurture a vibrant culture of teacher-led professional learning to inspire and transform practice.Details of the Symposium are as follows:
Date: 10 November 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 0800h – 1730h
Venue: Science Centre Singapore
15 Science Centre Road
Singapore 609081Please visit the Academy Symposium website for more details. Registration is extended till 10 October 2011. The registration form is attached. You can also download the registration form at the Symposium website. Please complete the registration form and email it to Mdm Azreen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 10 October 2011Update 4:
Other Sessions of interest to me.

2.7b  Use of Video-based Instruction to Visualise Inquiry Demonstration (VIVID) to Enhance Understanding of Light & Waves for Upper Secondary
Secondary Physics 
Mr Chan Yook Mun (Hong Kah Sec)
Mrs Julie Quah (Bukit Batok Sec)
Mr Quek Chin Keong (Bukit Batok Sec)
Mr Tan Chong Chay (Hong Kah Sec)
The 21st century learners are digitally literate. They use sound and images to convey content whenever possible, enjoy multi-tasking and have shorter attention spans. To engage and to prepare these learners to be self-directed in their learning, teachers need to use more learner-centred strategies.
Project VIVID, a video-based novel approach transforms the teacher-centric traditional demonstration to pupil-centric inquiry demonstration.  Customised video clips are used to capture students’ attention. By means of Socratic questioning together with a guided worksheet, engaging and effective inquiry-based lessons in Light and Waves for Upper Secondary Physics are designed for teachers’ use.
In Hong Kah Secondary School, these videos are loaded onto the school’s Facebook and pupils in the school are encouraged to capitalise on social media in their learning. In Bukit Batok Secondary School, the teachers use demonstration to trigger a discussion. The videos are captured for student recall and review in the following lessons. These videos are content specific, and are critical for students to use for problem solving. The use of video-based instruction to visualise inquiry demonstrations is in line with John Gilbert’s three levels of visualisation of macro, micro and symbolic representation for effective teaching and meaningful learning.

3.7 Use of Video-based Instruction to Visualise Inquiry Demonstration (VIVID) to Enhance Understanding of Physics Concepts in Lower Secondary Science
Secondary Physics
Mrs Yeo Swee Leng (Bedok Town Sec)
Mr Lim Jing Kai (Bedok Town Sec)
The project aims to redesign inquiry-based learning in Science and enhance understanding of Physics concepts in Lower Secondary Science such as Parallel and Series Circuits through videos created by teachers.  Students are engaged in active discussions based on specially developed videos instead of just reading through the experimental procedure and carrying out the task.
The project is based on the Dual Coding Theory which argues that memory is facilitated when two processes such as visual and verbal learning are engaged (Tan et. al., 2003). With the self-created videos that are customised according to syllabus outcomes, teachers then applied the 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate) pedagogical framework to inspire teaching and engaged learning. The video creations also allow teachers to work collaboratively in the design and development of inquiry lesson activities and thereby building teacher capacity and fostering greater collegiality.
Based on the generative conversations on this VIVID project at this session, an Action Research project will be carried out to determine the impact of VIVID on students’ learning in both cognitive and affective domains.
free and interesting use of SMS to poll students' responses

Update 29/09/2011
ACADEMY SYMPOSIUM                                                
Concurrent Session 
Presenter(s) Details
Please indicate 1st presenter with *
Briefing Session#
6 Oct or 11 Oct

Dry Run 
8 Nov
dietary request
Name School/Division Email  
Eg:   1.1 John Tan* ABC Primay This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Yes. 06 Oct  Yes. 2.15pm Yes  
1.1 Ang Sally XYZ Primary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   No. No  
1.10 WEE Loo Kang Education Technology Divis This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Yes. 11 Oct Yes. 3.15pm No  
1.10 LEE Tat Leong River Valley High  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Yes. 11 Oct Yes. 3.15pm No  
1.10 GOH Giam Hwee Jimmy Yishun Junior College This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Yes. 11 Oct Yes. 3.15pm No  
Programme for 11 Oct 2011
2.30 pm Registration
3.00 pm Objectives of Symposium ,Programme, Networked Learning 
3.30 pm Enacting Networked Learning, 6th Oct – Pri Science team, 11th Oct – Soc Studies team
4.15 pm Tea break
4.30 pm Meeting up with Subject Chapter MTTs to discuss presentation of networked learning
5.00 pm Dissemination of administrative information
5.15 pm Q & A
1. Where can I park at the Academy of Singapore Teachers?
At the Academy, we have around 60 Car Park places available on a 1st-come-1st-served basis for participants/visitors. Once all the parking places have been taken, participants/visitors may wish to park at the nearby Car parks at the various buildings around the Academy.
The location of buildings along with the parking charges are appended in Appendix 8a to 8d. Parking charges range between S\(1.20 and S\)1.61 per hour (Mon-Fri before 5/6pm).
NOL Building 456 Alexandra Road, S(119962) ?
Hort Park?
PSA Building 460 Alexandra Road, S(119963)
The Comtech 60 Alexandra Terrace, S(118502)
Update 17 October 2011
Dear Presenters
Thank you for accepting the invitation to present at the concurrent sessions of the inaugural Academy Symposium‘Celebrating Learning Transforming Practice’.
We have attached the templates of the background slides for your presentation (Windows or Mac OS). Please use the prescribed template in your preparation of the presentation slides at the concurrent sessions. You may insert your school logo on the slides.
Please note the following important information to facilitate your participation.
Symposium Details
10 November 2011 (Thursday)
8.00am – 5.30pm
Science Centre Singapore
15 Science Centre Road
Singapore 609081

Registration and breakfast
Arrival of Guest of Honour
Opening  Address by 
Academy of Singapore Teachers
Tea Break
Plenary Session 1 / Concurrent Session 1
tat leong sharing

announcement of change of venue to movie studio

jimmy sharing

jimmy sharing
Plenary Session 2
Plenary Session 3 / Concurrent Session 2
Plenary Session 4 / Concurrent Session 3
Tea Break
Plenary Session 5
Closing Remarks
The Registration Desks are located outside the Curiosity Shop.  You will receive the Symposium Pack upon registration. Please refer to the Symposium Programme booklet for the venues of the various sessions.  Please be seated by 8.45am.
Breakout Sessions
We seek your understanding that as the arrangement in the rooms are customised to the presentation mode, seating capacity is limited.
For Plenary Sessions 1, 3 and 4, admittance is by vouchers only. The vouchers will be issued during the morning tea break.
Please be punctual for all sessions.
Tea breaks and Lunch
Breakfast, morning tea (only coffee and tea will be served), lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
Transport/Car Park
Free Parking is available at the Science Centre Singapore.  Please refer to the Science Centre’s website for information on available public transport.
Update for video recording 4 Nov 2011:
Dear Presenters:
The Academy Symposium celebrates the continual engagement of teachers in professional networked learning, through which teachers take ownership for their professional growth with the aim of transforming their practice.
To capture the essence of networked learning at the Symposium, we have specially selected your presentation at the Concurrent Sessions for video-taping. By capturing those incidental learning where individuals come together to learn from and with each other thereby co-create new knowledge, we hope to showcase to the teaching fraternity the professional learning and encourage the proliferation of more professional networks.   
We look forward to your insightful presentation at the coming Academic Symposium.
Thank you
Warm Regards
Academy Symposium Secretariat
Letter of Appreciation from Academy of Singapore Teachers

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