Use of Video Tracker to Teach Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion by Jit Ning and Soo Yen


Update 07 January 2013:
hosted by
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thought i should also share the excellent sharing-work done by my friends :)

Concurrent 2.5
Secondary Physics

Paper Presentation – Innovation in Science Education
Use of Video Tracker to Teach Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion

Lim JitNing (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Lau Soo Yen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Venue: Robotics Lab (60), Singapore Science Center
Date:  DAY 1 (20 November) 2012
Time: 1530– 1615
Concurrent Sessions 2.5A: 

Conference: Singapore International Science Teachers Conference 2012 (SISTC)

also recently mirror here
lookang's Tracker Digital Library Singapore
has many folders of the different sharing

My friends jit ning and soo yen have shared their wonderful lessons with the world, following the excellent ways of Open Source Physics, benefiting anyone in the world.

i have 2 more open sharing kaki (a Singapore word for liked-minded people who share common interest) now :)

these are the photo i took to share their excellent sharing session!


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