Blended Learning Workshop @NJC 2011 July 07

Blended Learning Workshop @NJC 2011 July07.
Activity one: Challenges of BL implementationPolicy
Government should support participatory and localised learning and institutionalise ICT access and use  - SG has MP1 , MP2 and MP3Schools
Schools should support on-going teacher learning in the workplace - SG has PLC in schools
Schools should manage ICT resources for use by both teachers and students - SG has LMS
Schools LMS or WWW internet activities integration with F2F classrooms activitiesTraining Providers
Training providers should use blended methods and should model good ICT practices. - SG has Academy of Singapore Teachers. SG has many sharing from the schools. IPSG, National ICT, Zonal COE sharing, ICT mentor, NIE redesign conference etc.Individual level
change is needed in the culture of teaching and learning so that ongoing, situated, participatory, and collaborative approaches are accepted. - SG has MP3 that focus on SDL n CoL with ICT.
Lack of time
Lack of money - SG has some teachers using Free Google Blogger, Google Sites and Google form Facebook, Twitter to blended the learning for students.Benefits:
Kerrs and De Witt (2003) Model of Blended Learning taken from
  • 24/7 access anytime, anywhere and anyplace learning (increase access and flexibility)
  • integration into existing F2F school experience, augment what is lacking in F2F with online. Using Kerrs and De Witt (2003) 
    • Content (WWW links and teacher created)
    • Communications (Facebook, twitter, e-tutoring 1:1 & 1:N) and 
    • Constructions (perhaps getting students to do some inquiry on simulations, blog about what they learnt, what was useful etc). 
If we use the ETD adapted connect, engage and participate framing (Learnovation ,2008; Stoll et al, 2003; Henri & Pudelko, 2003; Becta, 2008),
    • Connection: connect teacher learners and expertise beyond time/space constraints
    • Engagement: engage teacher learners in enriched quality dialogues and in- depth reflective practices
    • Participation: foster ownership and participation from different types of teacher learners
  • Giving students a voice, Democratizing Knowledge everyone can learn and create, everyone is important.
  • allow for opportunity to Self Directed and Self Pace learning.
  • if simulations are used, based on student's feedback
    • HANDS-ON (Active learning pedagogy )INTERACTIVITY EASILY ENABLED

Activity two: Models of Blended Learning by Penn State
  • Supplemental Model
    • The supplemental model retains the basic structure of the traditional course and uses technology resources to supplement traditional lectures and textbooks. The supplemental model for blended learning incorporates technology into the instructional approach of the course, but does not alter its basic structure. Students may be required to complete online readings or activities, or participate in lab sessions. However, there is no reduction in course meeting time under the supplemental model; a three-hour course would still meet in-class for three hours per week.  My take is implementing BL takes time, perhaps a supplemental model could be a beginning phase to start with.
  • Replacement Model
    • The replacement model reduces the number of in-class meetings, or classroom "seat-time," and: replaces some in-class time with out-of-class, online, interactive learning activities
      • makes significant changes in remaining in-class meetings. Under a replacement model, there are fundamental changes to the course. Unlike the supplemental model, the online resources in a replacement model are fully integrated into the overall instructional effort. The online content acts as a replacement for time that would have been spent in a lecture hall. Consequently, the nature of the in-class activities is changed as well. Instead of traditional lectures, in-class time is freed for more interactive, collaborative learning experiences. My take is likely not going to happen in SG, a small place where traveling to school is probably mandatory, except for those learning at home week.
  • Emporium Model
    • The emporium model eliminates all class meetings and replaces them with a learning resource center. This resource center, typically a large computer lab, offers access to course online materials in addition to live assistance and guidance.
    • The emporium model is a radical re-conceptualization of the traditional course. Though attendance at the learning center can be required, there are no longer lectures in a traditional sense. Course content is delivered via online materials, and in-person help is provided in the learning resource center. My take is it seems to be pretty Future School type of scenario, probably would see it anytime soon.

Activity three: Types (Continuum) of Blended Learning
Blended Learning Continuum (Watson, 2008and its application to Singapore classrooms. Table created by 1Loo Kang WEE,2Charles CHEW, 3Raymond TSOI, 4Kah Chye TAN

      Fully Face-to-Face learning                                                       Fully Online learning
Traditional face-to-face setting with few or no online resources
Classroom Instruction integrating online resources, but limited or no requirements for students to be online
Classroom Instruction with significant, required online components that extend learning beyond the classroom and beyond the school day
Mostly or fully online curriculum in computer lab or classroom where students meet everyday
Mostly or fully online curriculum with select days required in computer lab or classroom
Fully online curriculum with options for face-to-face instruction, but not required
Fully online curriculum with all learning done online and at a distance and no face-to-face
Many lessons
Some lessons
A possible meaningful blended learning suitable forSingaporephysics curriculum
Not recommended forSingapore  lesson due to the fact thatSingapore is well connected country
Numerous ways of using blended learning that can be incorporated successfully into the classroom

Tools for blended learning
I suggest using Blogger instead of Other Blogs Advantages are
  • highly searchable content by Google search engine
  • many features
  • can embed java applets, critical for experiencing through learning by inquiry through simulations etc.
Ultimately, the choice is a personal one, you have to decide for yourself.
examples of Blogger Teachers/Educators
Google Sites:

My sites in

Course Description (Background)Schools in Singapore are well equipped with numerous stand-alone ICT tools for teachers in planning ICT-supported lessons. However, not all educators have the knowledge and skills to conduct online learning as well as face to face classroom learning. Many e-learning lessons are either standalone, or not well connected to the face-to-face lessons, with the uploading of lectures notes and video presentations serving only as a repository of lesson archives. 

Blended learning is about a mixture of instructional modalities, delivery media, instructional methods, and web-based technologies (Graham, 2006). Combining the best elements of e-learning or online learning and in-person or face-to-face learning, blended learning is likely to emerge as the predominant mode of teaching and learning to engage today’s digital native students who expect their learning environment to include technology.ObjectiveFacilitate a discussion and understanding of:
The use of online platforms / tools for e-learning 
The implementation of blended approaches - challenges and benefitsProgramme
2.45-3.45 pm: Sharing by Mr Lak Yak Hui  ,Mr Wee Loo Kang and Teh Li Heong , with hands-on sessionInfo
Date: 07 July 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 2.30 -5.00 pm
Session: 2.45-3.45 pm
Venue: National Junior College NJC Singapore 
Location: Computer Lab BYTZ for learning by doing.

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Reference:Kerres, M., & De Witt C. (2003). A didactical framework for the design of blended learning
arrangements. Journal of Educational Media, 28, (2–3).

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