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Speed, velocity and acceleration
Graphical analysis of motion


This simulation has a drop-down menu for exploration of
(i) at rest  use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 0 for example
(ii) moving with uniform velocity, use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged for example X = 1*t for a constant velocity motion of v =1 m/s
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity (eg, constant acceleration) use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged for example X = 0.5*1*t^2 for a constant acceleration motion of a =1 m/s^2
When only the  velocity-time graph check-box is selected, it can be explored for the following cases too.
(i) at rest ,
(ii) moving with uniform velocity (eg, no acceleration) 
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration (eg, constant acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2)
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration

Sample Learning Goals

(e) plot and interpret a displacement-time graph and a velocity-time graph
(f) deduce from the shape of a displacement-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest  example of progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 0 
(ii) moving with uniform velocity  example of  progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 1*t  for a constant velocity motion of v =1 m/s
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity example of X = 0.5*1*t^2 for a constant acceleration motion of a =1 m/s^2
(g) deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest
(ii) moving with uniform velocity
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration


Intro Page photo of car from: compiled using EJS_5.1_150302 bug in the motion points if using EJS_5.1_150504  


Code Language Translator Run

Software Requirements


Android iOS Windows MacOS
with best with Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome
support full-screen? Yes. Chrome/Opera No. Firefox/ Samsung Internet Not yet Yes Yes
cannot work on some mobile browser that don't understand JavaScript such as.....
cannot work on Internet Explorer 9 and below



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end faq


  1. Slides for Workshop Link1 , Link2
  2. Final version Link1, Link2 by Lyna, Gavin, Dave and lookang
  3. Motion in One Dimension student worksheet (dl-gwf) Link1Link2  by Lyna, Gavin, Dave and lookang 


  1. Kinematics 1d simulation video tutorial with modeling pedagogy by lookang lawrence wee
  2. Kinematics 1D simulation running on hmtl5 Modeling pedagogy 2 by lookang lawrence wee

Pedagogical Writeup

Process  Lesson Implementation 
Sub-Process(es)  Introducing the Lesson  / Arousing and Sustaining Interest
Teaching Action  Mystery 


mystery could take the form an describe it all equation, called model.
Give the challenge to solve the mystery of a predictive equation that can be use to tell the future, more precisely the movement of a car, in a physics lesson.
Through the model selected by the students, it gives an indication of the students prior knowledge about what they know now, so that the teacher can understand the gaps of understanding for personalised mentoring

Process  Lesson Implementation 
Sub-Process(es)  Introducing the Lesson  / Arousing and Sustaining Interest
Teaching Action  Little Professor/Little Teachers 


use exisiting schools' learning management system such as or Whatapp group chat to allow of arousing and sustaining interest.

Other simulations



Project related:

Understanding Teacher Learning Community as Support for Implementation of Open Source Physics for Conceptual Instruction
Project Number: OER 10/15 GWF
Project Duration: 01 July 2015 - 30 April 2017

Family of Resources

 Secondary Junior College



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Speed, velocity and acceleration
Graphical analysis of motion


This simulation has a drop-down menu for exploration of
(i) at rest  use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 0 for example
(ii) moving with uniform velocity, use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged for example X = 1*t for a constant velocity motion of v =1 m/s
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity (eg, constant acceleration) use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged for example X = 0.5*1*t^2 for a constant acceleration motion of a =1 m/s^2
When only the  velocity-time graph check-box is selected, it can be explored for the following cases too.
(i) at rest ,
(ii) moving with uniform velocity (eg, no acceleration) 
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration (eg, constant acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2)
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration

Sample Learning Goals

(e) plot and interpret a displacement-time graph and a velocity-time graph
(f) deduce from the shape of a displacement-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest  example of progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 0 
(ii) moving with uniform velocity  example of  progressive mathematical model is encouraged X = 1*t  for a constant velocity motion of v =1 m/s
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity example of X = 0.5*1*t^2 for a constant acceleration motion of a =1 m/s^2
(g) deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest
(ii) moving with uniform velocity
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration


Intro Page photo of car from: compiled using EJS_5.1_150302 bug in the motion points if using EJS_5.1_150504  


Code Language Translator Run

Software Requirements


Android iOS Windows MacOS
with best with Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome
support full-screen? Yes. Chrome/Opera No. Firefox/ Samsung Internet Not yet Yes Yes
cannot work on some mobile browser that don't understand JavaScript such as.....
cannot work on Internet Explorer 9 and below



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end faq




Download ModelDownload Sourceembed


Code Language Translator Run

Software Requirements


Android iOS Windows MacOS
with best with Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome
support full-screen? Yes. Chrome/Opera No. Firefox/ Samsung Internet Not yet Yes Yes
cannot work on some mobile browser that don't understand JavaScript such as.....
cannot work on Internet Explorer 9 and below



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Francisco Esquembre; Wolfgang Christian; Flix Jess Garcia Clemente

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  • Primary
  • Dynamics
  • Junior College
  • Tracker
  • Mathematics
  • Worksheets
  • measurement
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  • Simulations