
This file attempts to model the motion of the Super Stunter boomerang plane in the vertical plane. The analysis was done in two parts. Part 1 describes motion from t=0s to t=0.634s while part 2 describes motion from t=0.634s to t=1.068s. The dynamic model accounted for variable lift and drag forces. The coefficients of these quantities were different in both parts of the motion to account for variation in the angle of attack of the plane.

For Teachers

- Super Stunter Boomering Plane.mp4
- Super Stunter Boomering Plane-frame.gif

Software Requirements


Android iOS Windows MacOS
with best with no no need Java
need Java
support full-screen? no no Yes Yes
cannot work on no mobile browser  understand Java....
no mobile browser  understand Java.... install Tracker from http://physlets.org/tracker/
install Tracker from http://physlets.org/tracker/



Author: Bertram Lim, Wee Loo Kang
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Dynamics
  • Junior College
  • Tracker
  • Science
  • Simulations