

Email of win!

Laboratory: Easy experiments with Ejss
Dear Drs. Clemente, Esquembre, Wee, and Leong.

It is our pleasure to inform you that after rigorous evaluation, your above submission for the 2021 GOLC International Online Laboratory Award (Visualized Laboratory category) has been selected as the winner.
The award will be presented on during the REV2021 conference (virtual platform). Details of the conference can be found via the link-

In addition to the award there will be one complementary conference registration for a team member. It is expected that the individual will provide a demo of the winning laboratory during the conference. The details of the program will be available in due course.

Thanks and looking forward to meeting you (virtually) during the conference.

With regards,

Abul K. M. Azad, President of GOLC
Michael Auer, Secretary General of GOLC
Abul K. M. Azad, PhD
Associate Dean and Professor
Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Outreach and Diversity
College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Northern Illinois University, USA.
President, Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC)


Submission: The 2021 GOLC International Online Laboratory Award


Presented by the Global Online Laboratory Consortium, , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entry Form

The GOLC invites you to submit your successful Online Laboratory course, site, and product or success story, from a university or other institution or school. Please complete this form and submit it via

Submission Deadline: 28 August 2020
Entry Information
Product Name: Easy experiments with EjsSEntry Category: (mark only one)
☒ Visualized experiment ☐ Simulated experiment ☐ Remote controlled experimentLaboratory Language(s) (English, Spanish, etc.): EnglishOrganization Information
Entering Organization(s): University of Murcia (Spain) and Ministry of Education Singapore
Organization Web Site: and
Name of each individual who are part of this development:



Details of Contact Person:
Name: Félix J. García Clemente
Company: University of Murcia
Address: Facultad de Informática, Campus de Espinardo
City: Murcia
State/Province: Murcia
Zip/Postal Code: 30100
Country: Spain
Entry Details

Description (100-300 words): Easy experiments with EjsS

We present 2 relevant visualised experiments based on Easy JavaScript Simulations running on mobile phones. First, we have developed a spectrometer that uses the phone’s camera with a diffraction grating with 3D printed holder. The spectrometer that can be used to identify gas types such as hydrogen discharge lamp with comparison data from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) .

Figure 1: Spectrometer conducts light experiments. 

And the second one uses the phone’s microphone and simple straws or pipes, can explore and predict the length of the open-close pipe system and the fundamental frequency of the sound produced while blowing across the pipe.

Figure 2: Experiment based on pipe blowing to create sound waves of frequencies.

Easy Javascript Simulations (EjsS), is a free authoring tool written in Java that helps non-programmers create interactive simulations and visualised experiments in Javascript, mainly for teaching or learning purposes. EjsS is part of the Open Source Physics (OSP) project.

Figure 3: Tree and palette of view elements (left) and final HTML user interface (right) for the mass and spring system.



Figure 4: Open Source Physics Singapore (left) and Open Source Physics (USA) digital libraries

OSP provides an open sourced digital library with files for anyone who wishes to run them locally on their computer/mobile/tablet. There are currently 1000+ JavaScript laboratory/experiments, freely distributed.


Both Physics teachers and students.


  1. Open source web apps and low-cost experimental design
  2. To support Physics education through creating, remixing and disseminating experiments.
  3. To support experiential learning augmenting real experiments to give hope for a better educational experience.

Additional Information (if any):Entry Access for Our Judges
Link to the Entry or Web portion of the Entry:

First experiment, Spectrometer:
Web App:

Second experiment, measuring straws:
Web App:


Optional Additional LinksYou may provide us with additional relevant links, such as a narrated video or flash movie in which you show and describe your product. These may be in addition to, or in place of, the link to the lab itself. However, if a link to the lab is possible, it will likely strengthen your application.
Optional Additional Links:Download EjsS:
Open Source Physics Singapore:
Open Source Physics: 

The entrant grants permission to the Global Online Laboratory Consortium to publish reviews and reports about this entry, including the entrant's video recording and the entrant's description of the entry. The entrant also grants permission to the Global Online Laboratory Consortium to show the video recording of the entry in meetings, conferences, and webinars.
The entrant warrants that he, she, or the submitting company, is the proprietor of the entry; that they have power to make this agreement; that it does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent; or rights in the work.
Submission Process
Please submit this form to us at via the REV submission system:
TimelineSubmissions Due: 28 August 2020Awards Announced: Awards will be announced at our Awards Ceremony in Hong Kong, at the REV2021 Conference in February 2021 ( Winners are not required to attend in person, but are of course invited to do so.
Please contact us via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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