

Innergy award 2016 HQ


update 29/8/2016

MOE administers the Innergy Awards to recognise innovative projects from that have brought about significant benefits to stakeholders. This award is administered for MOE HQ, Schools and Stat Boards. total of 47 applications and 15 Innergy Awards (HQ) winners.

Project Division Award
Open Source Physics at Singapore (OSP@SG) ETD/CPDD Gold

I would like to thank the project team of Lily and Victor for their support who gave lots of valuable inputs to strengthen the write-up in this INNERGY award which I believe presented ETD projects in the best light. The judges particularly valued the fact that making interactive resources was done by education officers in ETD, CPDD and schools, networking with experts in the world, as oppose to paying vendors to make them. 
I also thank Mr Chua for his vision and timely suggestions to brand the amazing work we do in TFL, service schools and MOEHQ. 
I also want to thank Ms Chan, aka my savior in 2008-09 for putting me and Mr Thong into the works of harnessing open technologies which took root in ETD .
Finally, I am really grateful for such a friendly and open leaders including Dr Chee, of course, to nurture this project. 

highlight the innovative aspect of your project and how it has benefited the intended stakeholders.

This 2016 submission is vastly different and an expanded from my earlier Gravity Physics by Inquiry in 2012 submission as the innovativeness is on just 4 Java based simulations to address learning needs of a small topic in the A level Physics.

This OSP@SG 2016 submission is UNESCO ICT pedagogically validated, all 100+ HTML5 simulations covering large topics in O and A level Physics, 100+ Java Tracker video analysis resources covering O and A level kinematics and dynamics, 2 e-books covering 2 Advanced Level Physics topics funded by eduLab21, most of them(why not all?, not all physics can be mathematically modelled meaningfully for learning like random motion, constant rotation easier to visual than to model by students themselves etc) have the pedagogical approach called and coined by me as "mathematical modeling".

So you can see, 4 inquiry enabled Java simulation in 2012, is not the same as 100+ HTML5, 100+video analysis and 2 ebooks ,with mathematical modeling pedagogical approach.


Anyway, the main point about Open Source Physics at Singapore (OSP@SG) is to advance an inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all and i hope that more educators will join OSP@SG so that they can also find happiness in the service of others. 


Leongster for giving a great presentation with the epub on oscillators and my partner in OSP@SG.

lily, victor, chor huat and shirleen for supporting this!

Email invite

Hi Innovators! Thank you for submitting your team’s project for the Innergy Awards (HQ). The Evaluation Panel would like to invite your team to give a brief presentation of your project to understand the project further, beyond what was presented in the application form. Please note that this invitation to the presentation does not automatically guarantee an award.
Each team will be allocated 15 minutes:
· 5 minutes - presentation
· 5 minutes - Q&A
· 5 minutes – pack-up by your team and set-up by the next team


Date: 24 May
Venue: iStudio@Ghim Moh (285 Ghim Moh Road, Block C, Level 1)
Time: 1300-1315Please check the time of your presentation in the attachment and arrive at least 15 mins before your scheduled time.

Format of Presentation

a. Format - The format of the presentation will be a 5 mins presentation, followed by a 5 mins Q&A segment for the panel to clarify and understand the project further.
b. Slides - We prefer if you were to use your submission slides (PDF version submitted earlier) for the presentation and no additional preparation is necessary on your part. Your slides will be loaded on our laptop and we will pass you a clicker. In the unlikely event that you are changing your slides, pls remember that the 9 slide limit will still apply and email me your revised slides by 5pm on 19 May. Revised slides received after the deadline will be disregarded. Pls also PDF your slides before sending them over (all slides used on evaluation day will be the PDF versions submitted) 
c. Visual aids - You may also present other visual aids to complement your presentation so long as it is done within the allocated time, apps, physical toolkits, online systems, etc. (pls provide your own WIFI access if necessary)
d. Presenters - We suggest that you limit your team representation to 4 members for this presentation.














"Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation so that we NOT the best in the world but best for the world."





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