



UNESCO ICT Prize laureate from Singapore leading the way in bringing virtual learning in the classroom 08/08/2019 (my blog link)

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UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education

The theme for the 2015 Prize is Pedagogical Innovation in the Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning.


UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education 2015

Pedagogical Innovation in Using ICT in Teaching and Learning

Submission Form

(to be returned no later than 10 November 2015)

1. Background Information

Title of programme/project: edulab Project on Open Source Physics@Singapore (OSP@SG)

Name of implementing organization or individual:  Ministry of Education, Singapore


Country: Singapore

Programme duration

Started at (month/year): January 2012 Ended at (month/year):       Or ongoing: ☒

Type of organization: National Government ☒ National NGO ☐ International NGO ☐ Other National Institution ☐

Other (Local branch of National NGO, Private body, Trade Union, Religious mission, etc.). ☐ Please specify      

Operating in: Region ☒ Country ☐ District ☐ Province ☐ School ☐ Community ☐

Other ☐ Please specify      

Main partner(s): Open Source Physics (OSP)

2. Contact Details

Name of contact person: Loo Kang Lawrence WEE

Job title (or position): Senior Specialist Level 2

Full address: Ministry of Education • 1 North Buona Vista Drive, Singapore 138675

Country: Singapore

Telephone (with country code): 

Website, if any:

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3. Implementing Organization/Individual (maximum 300 words)

Please provide basic information about the implementing organization or individual:


The eduLab programme is an initiative from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and National Institute of Education (NIE) that is supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) in Singapore. It is a key programme under the ICT in Education Masterplan.

Its objective is to identify and spread ground-up ICT innovations for learning. Partnering teachers, researchers and learning designers, eduLab programme strive to develop ICT innovations for learning that can be adopted by different schools across the system.

The “Open Source Physics@Singapore (OSP@SG)” consists of 3 eduLab Projects.

  1. NRF2011-EDU001-EL001 Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning
  2. NRF2013-EDU001-EL017 Becoming Scientists through Video Analysis
  3. NRF2015-EDU001-EL021 Modelling-Inquiry Enabled Interactive Textbook.  

OSP was recently selected by UNESCO Bangkok, Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, to be part of a free educational compilation entitled “UNESCO Directory of Free Educational Resources for Teachers. Vol. 1: Science” for distribution worldwide.  

To date, OSP@SG has contributed or adapted more than 150 Easy Java Simulations, 80 newer Easy JavaScript simulations, and 100 Tracker video analysis-models for use in our local curriculum. The simulations help to make Physics lessons to come "alive" through the visualisations. They also serve to pique curiosity and imagination amongst the students.

Through OSP@SG’s use of creative commons attribution, the resources are available both in Singapore and around the world.

4. Programme Summary (maximum 300 words)

Describe the vision and rationale of the programme/project, the main goal on the quality of learning and/or the particular problem/s it seeks to address, and the pedagogical innovation of using ICT to achieve the goal or address the problem/s:


OSP@SG’s vision is to provide accessible, affordable and adaptable educational resources to teachers and students so that the teaching and learning of Physics can be enhanced.

Its goal is to provide well designed simulation models and Tracker video models that can serve as powerful inquiry tools augmenting real-life experiments.

Pedagogical approach 1:

OSP@SG leverages progressive mathematical model building process using Easy JavaScript Simulations (EJSS) to allow students to propose their own initial ideas that can be modelled into a simulation. The closeness of the model versus the simulated data (based on their world view and scientific view such as displacement versus time) gives students the evidences to oppose their initial models. This iterative modeling building process is repeated until the students can achieve a mathematical equation that is close enough ‘fit’ to the simulated data.

This approach address the problem of students not being able to bring their mathematical understanding to deepen physics learning as they can now build the tools that can render mathematical equations in simulations.

Pedagogical approach 2:

OSP@SG uses the dynamics particle modeling in Tracker tool to bring the Newton’s 2nd Law: F = ma with computational thinking of “nested if” statements to allow modeling of :

1) contact-reaction forces in very small time interval

2) simple Newton’s 1st Law of inertia.

This approach addresses the problem of students not being able to experience next generation scientist Practice 2: Use Models and Practice 5: Computational and Mathematical Thinking, from the K-12 Science Education Framework.

5. Programme Details

a. Specific objectives (150-300 words)

List and explain the specific objectives of the programme/project:      

To give students and teachers the freedom to learn from, code-build on and re-share well designed resources (Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EJSS) and Tracker video-models). Thus, OSP@SG’s 3A framework is used. It is :

  1. Accessible

(There is no password nor login required and people can download and use immediately. Hence, it heightens the chances of adoption of educational resources and practices).

  1. Affordable

(It is practically free of charge as you just need to pay for internet access and a computer with EJSS software to run with Java Runtime installed)

  1. Adaptable

(All EJSS source are changeable and EJS & EJSS & Tracker models can be improved or added upon)

b. Outreach

Main target group(s):

☐ Pre-school children,  please specify the grade level:

☒ Primary or secondary school students, please specify the grade level: 3 to 6 Science and Mathematics

☒ TVET school students, please specify the grade level and subject areas: 9 to 12 Physics

☐ Higher education students, please specify the grade level and subject areas:

☐Out-of-school youth and/or adults, please specify the age range and main background:

☐ Specific focus on women and girls? If yes, please specify:

☐ Specific focus on people with disabilities? If yes, please specify:

☐ Specific focus on indigenous peoples or minority groups? If yes, please specify:

☐ Other, please specify      

How are the learners’ needs determined? Please describe:      

The learners’ needs are determined through:

  • Scan on literature and popular simulation websites
  • Discussion with teachers to co-design the simulations & tracker video
  • Lesson observations
  • Interviews with learners after the lessons

Number of locations/class where the programme is running:  12 Singapore Schools as shown in table.

Location/School Name


Students reached annually

River Valley High School



Yishun Junior College



Innova Junior College



Serangoon Junior College



Anderson Junior College



National Junior College



Evergreen Secondary



Raffles Girls



Victoria Junior College



Saint Andrew Junior College



Meridian Junior College



Hwa Chong Institution






Number of participants reached annually: 3200

Number of participants reached by the programme since its inception: 5600

Internationally, as an indication of the spread of OSP@SG, below are some people who contacted  OSP@SG for assistance and collaboration.




Afrânio Coelho This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Associate Professor ,Coordinator of Teacher Training Area and Sciences Course of Nature and Mathematics UNILAB.


Radhakrishnamurty Padyala. Retired professor, Central Electrochemical Research Institute


Ajoy Ghatak, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, author of physics textbooks.


Nianti Ibrahim, graduate student in Manado, Indonesia


Alwielland Q. Bello, Professor at Bukidnon State University


Mahya Babaie, PhD student Pepperdine University


c. Programme Delivery

Teaching-learning methodology

How is teaching-learning methodology determined to achieve the goal or address the problem/s? Please describe: interviews with students and teachers

What kind of teaching methodology is applied? Please describe:

  1. Direct instruction :

Teacher explains explicitly the meaning

  1. Demonstration:

Teacher shows the phenomena to excite the students.

  1. Guided Inquiry:

Students direct the learning with the teacher as a guide by the side

  1. Progressive mathematical model building:

Students propose their own initial mathematical models and with evidences presented come up with a closer model that matches the real world video or simulated data.

E-Learning environment

Blogger, Edmodo and Moodle.

How is e-learning environment determined to respond to learners’ needs and to enable/innovate the teaching-learning methodology? Please describe:

The learning platforms were chosen because of its very low financial cost or it is free.

As they are open source, it provides teachers with the freedom to change the codes, edit the video models and redistribute licensed creative commons attribution.

What type of main digital devices and internet connectivity has the implementing organization/individual provided for teachers/facilitators? Please specify: Windows and MacOSX Computers, iPads, school protected WiFi networks or teacher/students internet data plan

What type of main digital devices and internet connectivity has the implementing organization/individual provided for learners? Please specify:

Yes, provided by Ministry of Education, Singapore. Students used school-owned devices for the lessons and the Internet access was also school-provided.   Students in Singapore have access to digital devices as all schools are given standard ICT provisions by the Ministry of Education. Households with school-going children who cannot afford the devices can tap on financial schemes where they can apply to buy the computing devices at affordable prices.

Does the implementing organization/individual developed strategies to make use of household or personal digital devices and internet connectivity? If yes, please specify: Yes, student's personal handphone can run in fullscreen mode the EJSS simulations.

Structure and organization of learning

If the pedagogical innovation of using ICT is integrated in the existing programmes of study, please respond to questions (1.1)-(1.8).

    1. What is the existing programme of study? Please specify the main topics covered and main learning outcomes:      

NRF2013-EDU001-EL017 Becoming Scientists through Video Analysis


Grade 9 Physics, Kinematics and Dynamics

Learning outcomes:

To promote students to be like scientists (where they obtain real data from physical phenomena and make inference and deduce how the physical world work) through video analysis and model building.

1.2 What is the duration of the programme of study? 2 years

1.3 What is the division between teaching and learning hours of the programme of study? 50/50

1.4 What is the average number of learners per class/group? 40

1.5 What are the main pedagogical methodologies of using ICT in the programmes of study? Please describe: guided inquiry and model building

Student-scientists make the effort with support by teachers to inquire on a question, record data sets, analyze information, interpret results, and communicate findings.

1.6 The frequency of teachers’ pedagogical use of ICT: ☐Almost every lesson/unit   ☒Once a week ☐Once a month ☐No more than 3 times per semester ☐Others, please specify:      

1.7 The frequency of learners’ use of ICT: ☐Almost every lesson/unit   ☒Once a week ☐Once a month ☐No more than 3 times per semester ☐Others, please specify:      

1.8 What are the main locations/spaces of learners’ pedagogical use of ICT? computer laboratory

If new e-learning activities are developed, please respond to questions (2.1)-(2.8)

2.1Please specify the main topics and main learning outcomes of the newly designed e-learning activities:      

NRF2015-EDU001-EL021 Modelling-Inquiry enabled Interactive Textbook

Topic :

Oscillators Textbook Oscillators and Gravity topics

Students learning outcomes:

Students are able to use mathematics to deepen physics concepts.

OER 10/15 GWF Understanding Teacher Learning Community as Support for Implementation of Open Source Physics for Conceptual Instruction

Topic :

Mechanics, Oscillators and Gravity topics


To provide opportunities for network learning amongst the teachers so that they are able to create simple simulations and video analysis to enhance students’ learning of physics

2.2 What is the duration of the e-learning activities per semester? 6 weeks What is the duration of the learning activities in total? 6 weeks

2.3 What is the division between teachers’ lecture/facilitation and learners’ learning and other activities? 50/50

2.4 How does the implementing organization/individual manage to make the needed teaching and learning hours available? The project is carried out during existing curriculum hours.

2.5 What are the main pedagogical methodologies used to organize the e-learning activities? Please describe: direct instruction, guided inquiry and model building

  1. Direct instruction :

Teacher explains explicitly the meaning

  1. Demonstration:

Teacher shows the phenomena to excite the students.

  1. Guided Inquiry:

Students direct the learning with the teacher as a guide by the side

  1. Progressive mathematical model building:

Students propose their own initial mathematical models and with evidences presented come up with a closer model that matches the real world video or simulated data.

2.6 What is the average number of learners per class/group? 25

2.7 Please specify the frequency and main purposes of learners’ use of ICT: twice a week, guided inquiry and model building

2.8 What are the main locations/spaces of learners’ pedagogical use of ICT? lecture halls, tutorial rooms, computer laboratory, students' devices learning anytime anywhere

Online content and digital materials

2 sample interactive textbook-chapters can be found on iBook Link1, Link2, PlayBook Link1, Link2 and Kindle Store

Is the online content used? If yes, please describe how the online content is selected: Download once and use

What kind of digital material is being re-used and from where? Please describe:

The java simulations and video analysis models are shared on the internet.

Does the programme use newly developed digital materials? If yes, please describe how and by whom the digital materials are developed: Yes, through request by teachers in the OSP community, author: Loo Kang WEE OSP@SG>

How is the quality of the newly developed material ensured? Please describe: Feedback from anyone in the world, as well as students interviews after lessons

Using Blogger and Google+ comments for feedback

Using face to face interviews with students and Google forms

Does the programme/project adopt any kind of open license? If yes, please describe: creative commons attribution CC-BY

Language(s) of instruction

☐ Official language of the country, please specify: English

☐ Local language, please specify:    English

☐Other, please specify:      

Assessment, recognition, validation and accreditation of learning outcomes

How are the learning outcomes assessed? Please describe: Survey, Pre-Post Tests, Interviews

  • Survey using Google forms, to collect data
  • Pre-Post tests using Google forms to collect and grade test
  • Face to face interviews to understand what problems students experience

Does the programme issue any certification? If yes, describe how:


Does the programme/project use any ICT to facilitate the assessment of the learning outcomes? If yes, please describe: No


How many teachers are needed for the entire duration of the programme/project? 2 per class

What is the learner/teacher ratio? 25/1 to 40/1

What kind of knowledge and skills does the teacher/facilitator need to master in order to deliver the programme/project? Physics knowledge with some coding skills for expert-customization-authoring use, Physics knowledge for EJSS simulations and tracker

Institutional programme support

What kind of support has the school/institutional leader provided to implement the programme/project?      

School leader support the programme by setting aside protected time, creating a common vision and providing strategic direction so as to build the capacity of teachers and key personnel.

MOE provides consultancy to schools and conducts workshops at eduLab@AST, so as to deepen the pedagogical use of ICT to transform student learning.

Does the programme/project provide training/coaching for teachers/facilitators? If yes, describe how: edulab@AST workshops

MOE provides timely training/coaching through eduLab@AST workshops.  There are also school visits and consultation conducted by MOEHQ officers for the teachers.

MOE also organize workshops by experts such as Professor Francisco Esquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang, Wolfgang Christian and Douglas Brown, to support teachers in bootstrapping modeling physical systems using Tracker video analysis and modeling tool and Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations authoring and modeling tool (EjsS).

Does the programme/project provide incentives for teachers/facilitators? If yes, describe how: Letters of appreciation

d. Innovative Features (Maximum 300 words)

List and describe the innovative features of the programme/project:      

Access to learning with ICT for every child

Beyond serving the Singapore students, OSP@SG also contributes to the wider international community. The resources created are available for teachers and students both locally and globally to access and use freely.

Resources in the hands of every learner

Many of the Easy JavaScript simulations not only can run on students’ personal small cell phone devices, they also have full screen capabilities. This allows for learning to be viable on small Android and iOS devices as well. Students will have access to the digital resources from their smart phones.

Collaboration with Global experts

Since 2012, the project has invited Fu-Kwun Hwang, creator of NTNU Java Virtual Labs, Francisco Esquembre, creator of EJSS authoring and modeling tool, Wolfgang Christian, creator of Open Source Physics, and Douglas Brown, creator of Tracker to Singapore. They conducted workshop for teachers on making simulations as well as on the pedagogical practices possible using our tools.

Single development, ease code maintenance

The same Easy JavaScript Simulations source codes can generate the same simulations that run on Android, iOS and mobile Windows through the modern browser. Any improvement/enhancement made can experience the same changes made available on all mobile platforms. This allows for ease of maintenance of a single source code instead of multiple development source codes for each mobile platform.

6. Programme Results (300-500 words)

List and describe the achievements of the programme/project:      

An estimated (see table in 5b) of 3 200 students and 100 teachers in Singapore are using the resources in Open Source Physics@Singapore to support their teaching practices. This estimates are based on 2012 and 2014 data from 2 (5 junior colleges and 4 secondary schools) in the edulab projects combined. Beyond the schools, the resources are shared through blogs  such as link1, link2

Selected OSP@SG Awards:

The work of OSP@SG has been given the following awards at the Ministry and National levels.  

  • Singapore Public Service PS21 Distinguished Star Service Award (2014)
  • Singapore Public Service PS21 Best Ideator Award (2012)
  • Ministry of Education (MOE) Best Innovator Award 2013
  • Ministry of Education (MOE) Excellent Service Award 2011

Open Access Publications:

OSP@SG research has generated 10 peer reviewed articles and another 16 papers that aims to enhance the creditability of using the work. In addition to journals websites, all 26 draft articles are also made available on for the benefit of all.

Open Shared Digital Easy Java/JavaScript Simulation and Tracker Library:

All three OSP@SG libraries are open access, affordable (free) and adaptable (models can be added on).  The setup on connected directly via the respective authoring and modeling tools, make the resources easy to use, remix and redistribute.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation (200-400 words)

Do you, your organization, or a separate organization undertake monitoring and evaluation of the programme/project during its implementation? If yes, explain how:

There is support from MOE to the schools in guiding and monitoring the development of the projects. OSP@SG also uses the Logic model to evaluate the inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes/impacts of the OSP@SG. Yearly reports are generated to inform eduLab programme office of the progress of OSP@SG.

8. Sustainability (200-400 words)

Describe how the programme/project promotes sustainability (in terms of financial sustainability and/or local capacity to sustain the programme/project):

The sustainability of OSP@SG can be explained using the 3P framework, Product, Process and People.

Product(s) used are free of charge and open sourced authoring tool (EJSS and Tracker) that can generate professional simulations/video analysis. The creative commons attribution sharing of the source codes also ease the development effort and also allow for continual improvement over several years.

Process used include eduLab funding, the time and space provided to work on OSG@SG and collaboration with the international OSP community. MOE also has interest-based learning communities to provide the manpower and space to sustain OSP@SG and other eduLab programmes.

People include the many OSP experts in the world that network and learn with teachers in OSP@SG

who can be owners of the curriculum materials developed and promote sustainability.

Is the programme/project being replicated elsewhere or scaled-up? If yes, please describe: No

9. Challenges and Constraints

List the main challenges and constraints encountered:  

Traditionally, teachers tend to focus more on preparing students well for examinations.  As a result, some teachers tend to teach according to the syllabus and examination requirement which currently does not emphasize the practice of computational and mathematical modelling, developed and advanced by OSP@SG. Hence, there is a challenge of getting buy-in from teachers to let them see the value of the advocated pedagogical approach 1& 2 (progressive mathematical modelling in OSP@SG) in promoting mastery learning of physics concepts.

The current adoption of the modelling practices of OSP@SG at secondary school level is not that high yet as the national examination of Ordinary Level physics does not require model building pedagogies.

10. Additional Information

List any sources from which information regarding the programme/project is available:

11. Please list here documents in the following categories that will be sent to the Prize Secretariat to accompany this application. If it’s too large to be sent, please provide the URL in the corresponding categories.

Documents, films, audiovisual material available about the programme:      

YouTube Playlist

Tracker Playlist:

Student interviews:

Published research studies / reports available about the programme:

Internal or external evaluations of the programme, reports on impact assessments:      


Teaching and learning material:

Date of submission form completion (MM/DD/YYYY): 18/08/2015


Link (2021) (unesco copy) (unesco listing)

Mr Lawrence Wee, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Education, Singapore

Mr Lawrence Wee is a Physics teacher from the Ministry of Education, Singapore. As a Senior Specialist in the Educational Technology Division, he has written 26 research papers and participated in 5 funded projects relating to Open Source Physics. He was awarded the Singapore Public Service PS21 Distinguished Star Service Award in 2014, Singapore Public Service PS21 Best Ideator in 2012. To download the presentation click here UNESCO version














Guidelines for presentation

The presentation should not exceed 20 minutes. The presentation should include: 


I.Introduction to your organization/institution –1-2 minute

It should include the following key information of your organization/institution: 

-Mission: What are the key issues and challenges that your organization/institution try to address in order to ensure inclusive and equitable access to education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all? 

-Target audiences and geographic scope

-Main funding sources and composition of the core teams

II.Detailed presentation of the project that has won the Prize, lessons learned, and the scaling-up of the project after winning the Prize – 1 minutes

-What are the key features of the Prize-winning project/programmes/solutions in addressing the issues specified in the Mission of your organization/institution? 

-What is the current situation of project in terms of achieving the mission of your organization/institution?

III.Proposal on cooperation with UNESCO under the framework of Qingdao Declaration 

Video   tracker modeling explained by lookang lawrence wee   Progressive mathematical modeling with OSP@SG by lookang lawrence wee

Award Ceremony

The full video released by UNESCO 

Video Award Ceremony, UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Éducation

Thanks to Technology, anyone is able to watch the ceremony and listen to my acceptance speech for 100 teachers, 10000 students, the open source physics community, Francisco Esquembre, Felix Garcia from Spain, Fu-Kwun Hwang from Taiwan, Wolfgang Christian and Douglas Brown for USA.
Thank you Lily TanVictor Lim Fei, Chua Chor Huat and Shirleen Ong for the nomination!   UNESCO king hamad ICT pedagogical innovation ceremony prize announcement by lookang lawrence wee

Acceptance speech

His Highness Mr Shaikh Muhammad bin Mubarak Al KHALIFA, Deputy Prime Minister, Bahrain

His Excellency Dr Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, Minister of Education, Bahrain

Ms Irina Bokova, Director General, UNESCO

Mr Getachew Engida, Deputy Director General, UNESCO

Dr Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

Dr Dorothy Gordon, Chair of the International Jury for the Prize

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore, I am grateful to receive the UNESCO King Hamad Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the many teachers and students from Singapore who were involved in the development of the Open Source Physics @ Singapore.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the Open Source Physics community especially Francisco Esquembre and Felix García from Spain, Fu-Kwun Hwang from Taiwan, as well as Wolfgang Christian and Douglas Brown from the USA. They are visionaries who have made their codes freely available so that others, like us, can change the simulations and models to suit our own curriculum context {and making it easier for everyone to participate in Open Source Physics}

We hope that Open Source Physics @ Singapore can be {work on together}adapted to benefit many more learners not just in Singapore, but also around the world,{Together we with do the right thing to provide opportunity and a better future to all, regardless of race, language or religion or gender. Thank you UNESCO and King Hamad}. 




Award Ceremony and Laureates’ Seminar

of UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education

13 January 2015, UNESCO HQ, Paris



Laureates’ Seminar One: Fostering digital inclusion for inclusive education

09:00 – 10:20

Room IV

·      Internet-ABC Project, Mr Thomas Rathgeb, Executive, Internet-ABC, Germany

·      The Cyber Home Learning System, Mr Jaeshin Song, KERIS, Republic of Korea

·      Technological Literacy for Older Adults, Mr Ramón David Parra Carrero, President, Infocentro Foundation, Venezuela


Laureates Seminar Two: Leveraging ICTs to enable lifelong learning

10:40 – 11:50

Room IV

·      Harnessing ICTs for Education Development, Ms Nermine Nabulsi, CEO,  Jordan Educational Initiative, Jordan

·      Curriki, Mr Robert Greenawalt, Chief Technology Officer, United States of America

·      Changing the Digital Divide into a Digital Opportunity, Mr Wei Qi, Shanghai Open University, China

Award Ceremony, 12:00 – 13:00, Room I



VIPs arrive at Room V to welcome the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education of Bahrain, and Ambassador of Bahrain



-Ms Dorothy Gordon, Chair of the International Jury for the Prize 

-Two prize winners


-Ambassadors of the Permanent Delegation of the two prize winning countries: Costa Rica, and Singapore


VIPs move to Room I and 6 VIPs sit on the stage:
-H.E. Mr Shaikh Muhammad bin Mubarak Al KHALIFA, Deputy Prime Minister,   Bahrain
-Mr Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, Minister of Education, Bahrain
-Mr Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, Ambassador of Bahrain
-Ms Dorothy Gordon, Chair of the International Jury for the Prize
Two prize winner sit in the two sides of the front row of the floor


Moderator: Mr Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO


12:00 – 12:10

12:10 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:30

12:30 – 12:45








12:45 – 13:00

Opening remarks:VIPs move to Room I and 6 VIPs sit on the stage:



-H.E. Mr Shaikh Muhammad bin Mubarak Al KHALIFA, Deputy Prime Minister,   Bahrain

-Mr Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, Minister of Education, Bahrain

-Mr Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, Ambassador of Bahrain

-Ms Dorothy Gordon, Chair of the International Jury for the Prize

Ms Dorothy Gordon takes the podium and announces the prize winners

-Ms Dorothy Gordon announces the two prize winner and invites them come to the stage one by one. 

-Then invites DDG and the Deputy Prime Minister to the middle of the stage, DDG rewards the diploma, and the Deputy Prime Minister rewards the certificate one by one.

-With the witness of the DDG and the Deputy Prime Minister, Ms Dorothy Gordon invites each of prize winners to the podium to deliver short remarks of prize acceptance.


-Ms Dorothy Gordon invites DDG, the Deputy Prime Minister, ADG, the Ambassador of Bahrain and the two prize winners to take a group photo.


Two prize winner sit in the two sides of the front row of the floor


·      Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO

·      His Highness Shaikh Muhammad Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, Bahrain


Film: Education of Bahrain

Rewarding of the Prize 2015:

·      Announced by Ms Dorothy Gordon, Chairwoman, International Jury for the Prize

·      Diplomas presented by Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO

·      Medals presented by His Highness Shaikh Muhammad Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, Bahrain

·      Remarks of Prize acceptance


Music show

Reception Lunch, 13:00 -14:30, Salle des Pas Perdus (Ground floor of Fontenoy)


Laureates Seminar Three: Quality and safety of e-learning

15:00 – 17:00

Room IV

·      Open Source Physics@ Singapore, Mr Wee Loo Kang Lawrence, Senior Specialist,  Ministry of Education, Singapore

·      National Programmes of Educational Informatics, Ms Leda Milena Muñoz García,  Executive Director, Omar Dengo  Foundation, Costa Rica

·      InfollutionZERO, Ms Yuhuyun Park, CEO, iZ HERO initiative, Republic of Korea



Curriculum Vitae

Loo Kang Lawrence WEE is a Singapore physics teacher who specializes on Open Source Physics. As a Senior Educational Technology Specialist in the Ministry of Education, Singapore, he has written research papers and investigated in 5 funded projects in Singapore. He was awarded the Singapore Public Service PS21 Distinguished Star Service Award in 2014, Singapore Public Service PS21 Best Ideator in 2012 and for his country, the 2015 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education, themed "Pedagogical Innovation in the Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning".

Software Requirements

Java for Tracker and Easy Java Simulation, JavaScript need modern browsers

Photo by Robert Greenawalt





















Photo by UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Credits: © UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

Photo by me

Photo gallery UNESCO HQ 13 January 2016 Paris




  1. Stella, Victor and Lily for vetting MOE materials
  2. Shirleen and Chor Huat for supporting the submission for Singapore
  3. Andreas Dewanto for the independent letter of honor from NUS
  4. Pai Ching for MFA materials
  5. UNESCO for advancing OER
  6. King Hamad for sponsoring the prize
  7. Miao Fengchun, Rana Maatoug and Giraldo Sevilla Andrea from UNESCO for organising this.
  8. Pilar for the photo of the event


Other laureates


Singapore Media Release

  1. - Singapore has been awarded the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education. The award was presented to the Ministry of Education for the project – Open Source Physics at Singapore (OSP@SG).
  2. the fastest Media post, by Singapore wins UNESCO award for physics programme An open-source physics modelling programme developed by the Ministry of Education was recognised for its use of Information and Communications Technologies in education. 
  4. 联合早报网讯 
  5. Singapore physics teaching software wins global award!

Web Friendly Version of the MOE Press Release

15 January 2016


1. Singapore has been awarded the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education. The award was presented to the Ministry of Education (MOE) for the project - Open Source Physics at Singapore (OSP@SG).

An Innovative Resource for Teachers

2. OSP@SG helps teachers bring real-world physics concepts into the classroom. The programme complements real-life experiments by providing interactive models that help visualisation. The programme also has a function for mathematical modelling, where students’ ideas can be modelled and compared with real life and simulated data.

3. Resources developed under this programme are open-source – it gives teachers and students the freedom to collaborate and share Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resources for teaching and learning Physics. For example, resources can be embedded within interactive textbooks. The modelling tools available are free for students all over the world to access and edit. Since 2012, MOE has been collaborating with schools1 on OSP@SG, with positive feedback received on the project both in Singapore and around the world.

Learning Comes Alive with OSP@SG!

4. In Evergreen Secondary School, students learnt about kinematics, dynamics and work, and energy physics concepts using open-source video analysis software and modelling tool. For example, teachers use the software to help students learn about the optimal time for a parachutist to release the parachute. Through modelling, students were able to better visualise, comprehend and explain these scientific concepts.

5. Over at Innova Junior College, students visualise the abstract concepts of superposition using the Ripple Tank Java simulation which shows how two waves overlap to produce the interference pattern. This approach allows students to test out their own experimental setups through the simulation of waves. Similarly, students at Yishun Junior College learn about gravity through simulations, where students could better visualise and explore satellite motion, and discover abstract gravitational field concepts, through manipulation and modelling techniques.

6. For more information and contacts on school projects that harnessed OSP@SG, please refer to Annex A.

About UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education

7. Since 2005, the award has recognised innovations in teaching and learning that leverage technology to improve educational outcomes. Funded by the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Prize seeks to recognize governments, non-governmental organizations and individuals that embrace ICT as a pedagogical ally to make learning more effective. The theme for 2015 is “Pedagogical Innovation in the Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning”. The prize ceremony was held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on 13 January 2016. More information on the prize can be found here:


1 The schools are: Anderson Junior College, Evergreen Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution, Innova Junior College, Meridian Junior College, National Junior College, Raffles Girls’ Secondary School, River Valley High School, Saint Andrew’s Junior College, Serangoon Junior College,  Victoria Junior College and Yishun Junior College.



Ministry of Education



Ministry of Education

Mr Wee Loo Kang Lawrence

Tel: 68796526

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr Lawrence Wee is a Senior Specialist in Educational Technology Division (ETD) and Principal/co-Principal investigator in the OSP@SG project.  The OSP@SG project has developed digital libraries of older Java and newer HTML5 JavaScript simulations and Tracker video models designed for teaching and learning.

Evergreen Secondary School


Mr Tan Kim Kia

Mr Tan Kim Kia is a Teacher and co-Principal investigator in one of the projects. He brought the Real World Physics to his Secondary One to Three classrooms through Video Analysis and Modelling using Tracker. He also publishes videos on his YouTube video Channels to make physics concepts come alive for his students.

Students Tan Wei Xiang and Lawrence Pasion Caisip used the Tracker Video Analysis in Sec 3 and they found that Tracker enabled them to see the connections between the real life and the scientific graphs introduced in lessons. The modelling feature in Tracker enthralled them to investigate further different Physics phenomenon using mathematical thinking

Innova Junior College


Mr Ong Chee Wah

Mr Ong Chee Wah is a Lead Teacher and a co-Principal investigator in two of the projects.  Besides using the Ripple Tank Java simulation in his Physics lessons, he has also explored the use of video tracker in the study of projectile motion. He is using the interactive textbook to teach the topic Gravitational Field this year.

Students Geraldine Tee Joo Ting, Huang Hong Shuai and Trevor Anthony Jagatnath have used the simulations in their dynamics tutorial and they found that the simulations are helpful to their learning

Yishun Junior College


Mr Goh Giam Hwee Jimmy

Mr Jimmy Goh is a Head of Department for Science and co-Principal investigator in two of the projects. He champions the use of gravitation simulations as this topic has always been challenging for students who could not visualise planetary interaction.

His students, Sato Shinya and Desiree Lim, have found the geostationary satellite simulation particularly useful to help them understand the motion and working principles of different satellites.



Other Resources / References:

  1. Website by UNESCO
  2. ICT prize main page
  3. Media service UNESCO immediately release on 13th January 2016
  4. Media service Award Ceremony of 2015 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education
  5. Bahrain News Agency Bahrain: King of Bahrain delegate of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Mubarak to attend the ceremony VII 
  6. Bahrain News Agency Bahrain: UNESCO organizes seminar on UNESCO Prize, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa 
  7. Bahrain News Agency Panel discussion on UNESCO-King Hamad ICT Prize held
  8. Gulf Digital News Commitment to education honoured
  9. UNESCO awards to Fundación Omar Dengo by promotingtechnology access to education


  1. "This award is a signal of our commitment in Singapore, in service of UNESCO, for the world, to contribute to the global missions for equitable access to open educational resources. OSP@SG is here to benefit the world."  - WEE Loo Kang Lawrence
  2. "UNESCO has awarded Singapore in their attempt to bring countries together to license and contribute to the global movement towards open educational resources, empowering anyone to be educate and level up everyone regardless of race, language, gender or religion in the world. By sharing this story, I reinforce UNESCO's message to draw strength in believing in yourself, others and something larger like "open educational resources", and bring joy to the world through our work." - WEE Loo Kang Lawrence

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