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Bouncing pingpong (ball) - kinematics. O Level Physics

For Teachers

- bouncing pinpong18.jpg
- bouncing pinpong17.jpg
- bouncing pinpong16.jpg
- bouncing pinpong15.jpg
- bouncing pinpong14.jpg
- bouncing pinpong13.jpg
- bouncing pinpong12.jpg
- bouncing pinpong11.jpg
- bouncing pinpong10.jpg
- bouncing pinpong09.jpg
- bouncing pinpong08.jpg
- bouncing pinpong07.jpg
- bouncing pinpong06.jpg
- bouncing pinpong05.jpg
- bouncing pinpong04.jpg
- bouncing pinpong03.jpg
- bouncing pinpong02.jpg
- bouncing pinpong01.jpg
- bouncing pinpong00.jpg

Software Requirements


Android iOS Windows MacOS
with best with no no need Java
need Java
support full-screen? no no Yes Yes
cannot work on no mobile browser  understand Java....
no mobile browser  understand Java.... install Tracker from
install Tracker from



Author: Tan Kim Kia
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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