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lookang; Felix J. Garcia Clemente; Francisco Esquembre

Sample Learning Goals

Cycles There are repeated patterns of change in nature. Examples of these cycles are the life cycles of living things and the water cycle. Understanding these cycles helps Man to predict events and processes and to appreciate the Earth as a self-sustaining system. The essential takeaways and key inquiry questions for “Cycles” are: Essential Takeaways Key Inquiry Questions  There are repeated patterns of change around us.  Observing cycles helps us to make predictions and understand things around us.  What makes a cycle?  Why are cycles important to life? 

Primary 4 Science


Cycles in plants and animals (Lifecycles)

The freed up curriculum time is to enable teachers to use more engaging teaching and learning approaches, and/or to implement customised schoolbased programmes as long as the aims of the syllabus are met. This enables teachers to make learning more meaningful and enjoyable for their students.

About Cycles: There are repeated patterns of change in nature. Examples of these cycles are the life cycles of living things and the water cycle. Understanding these cycles helps Man to predict events and processes and to appreciate the Earth as a self-sustaining system.

*Observe and compare the life cycles of animals over a period of time (butterfly, beetle, mosquito, grasshopper, cockroach, chicken, frog).


*Show curiosity in exploring the surrounding plants and animals and question what they find.  *Show concern by being responsible towards plants and animals such as their own pets.  *Value individual effort and team work.


For Teachers

Life Cycle of Frog Drag and Drop Quiz HTML5

Direct Link



The life cycle of the Frog
Egg, Young and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the Human
Egg, Young and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the chicken
Egg, Young and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the Grasshopper
Egg, Nymph and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the Cockroach
Egg, Nymph and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the mosquito
Egg, Nymph and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the beetle
Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult

Direct Link

The life cycle of the butterfly
Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult

Direct Link






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