


NRF2015-EDU001-EL021 Modelling-Inquiry Enabled Interactive Textbook By Educational Technology Division, Yishun Junior College, Curriculum Planning & Development Division, River Valley High School, Innova Junior College and Victoria Junior College , supported by eduLab learning designer

Principal Investigators

  1. Mr. Wee Loo Kang Lawrence, Educational Technology Division, Senior Specialist. 
  2. Mr. Goh Giam Hwee, Yishun Junior College 
  3. Ms. Esther Tay Wei Jing, Yishun Junior College
  4. Ms. Wong Yih Chong, Yishun Junior College 
  5. Ms. Tan Hao Kai, Yishun Junior College 
  6. Mr. Leong Tze Kwang, Curriculum Planning and Development Division
  7. Mr. Ong Chee Wah, Innova Junior College
  8. Ms. Lim Ai Phing, River Valley High
  9. Mr. Xu Wei Ming, River Valley High
  10. Mr. Kwek Eng Yeow , Victoria Junior College

Project Information

Our observations suggest that current reading notes are non-interactive (no input for mathematical algorithm outputs), and learning problem stems from lack of computer modeling, integrating mathematics with physics. 

This project seeks to create an interactive textbook-chapters with (re-created +30 related oscillator and gravitation models) to conduct inquiry-experiments and (newer) mathematical modeling practice on simulated data, enabling mathematical-modeling learning, a new practice derived from by the PI while collaborating with the Open Source Physics Project.

For more information regarding the project, please contact the eduLab learning designer, Mr. Wee Loo Kang Lawrence at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Project Artifacts

  1. OSP@SG  Open Source Physics EasyJavaScript Simulation Digital Library (2015)
  2. Webpages to serve Gravity webpages & SHM webpages
  3. edulab021  Modeling-Inquiry Enabled Interactive Textbook Prototypes Android Link1 and Link2, iOS Link1 and Link2, Computer Digital Library Link1 and Link2

Journal Papers

  1. to be updated

MOE Publication

  1. to be updated

Conference Paper and Presentations

  1. Wee Loo Kang, Creating Electronic Books for Computers and Tablets Using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool20th  Multimedia Physics Teaching and Learning Conference, 9-11 September 2015, Munich, Germany.

  2. Wee Loo Kang, Singapore Open Source Physics (OSP) Digital Library5th Singapore International Science Challenge SISC , National Junior College.


  1. to be updated

Software Requirements



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